Be a Buzz4Good and join our Hive! Your tax-deductible contribution to the American Advertising Federation of Roanoke will go directly toward the cost of producing future episodes of BUZZ. Sponsorship opportunities are also available that promote you and your company’s support of our inspirational programming.
AAF Roanoke provides free advertising and marketing services to the region’s nonprofit community, namely through our BUZZ television show that airs on PBS stations across Virginia and on YouTube. Launched in 2020, BUZZ features the great work that nonprofits do, and the marketing professionals who donate their time and talent to help these organizations achieve more … buzz!
Whether it’s a rebranding initiative, new website, cutting edge social media campaign, a volunteer drive or promotional video, nonprofits on BUZZ receive up to $25,000 in pro bono marketing resources in each episode.
Your support helps us fund the $10,000 cost to professionally produce each 30-minute television show.

With episodes airing in both Virginia and Alabama, Buzz4Good is helping nonprofits in various locations. You can watch all of the episodes on YouTube.
Economic development folks often talk up a community’s quality of life when pitching new businesses. Somewhere in that mushy mix they may mention the local arts and culture – the symphony, art museum, playhouse and so on. But on the stage of economic development, what role does Art really play?
Through the marketing team at LeadPoint Digital — and the song-writing talents of Bryan “Harvest Blaque” Hancock and J.P. Powell — BUZZ provides business leaders some much needed marketing resources to help pack the economic development house.
Founded in 1994 with just $8, the Community Foundation of the New River Valley today claims more than 200 funds and $15 million in assets from which it awards each year $500,000+ in grants and scholarships. Hundreds of nonprofits — and thousands of individuals — have been helped by this vital organization. One of the big events that it hosts each year for the region’s nonprofit community is Give Local NRV, which celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2023.
Returning to BUZZ for its seventh episode, 5Points Creative gives a major marketing boost to the Community Foundation for this milestone occasion.
Food, shelter … diapers? For low-income moms struggling to get by, diapers are a vital, and expensive, necessity that aren’t covered by government assistance. Too many caregivers in Alabama – including grandmothers – have to make the hard choice between diapers and utilities, clothing, even medicine.
Martin Advertising / Martin Retail Group steps up to provide Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank with a lot of marketing help — and hope.
The American Advertising Federation, Roanoke chapter (AAF Roanoke), is an IRS 501(c)(3) organization whose mission includes offering volunteering opportunities for its members to enhance marketing initiatives for the region’s nonprofit community. Our tax identification number is 47-4695678.