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nonprofit marketing

BUZZ Watch Party: The Arts & Economic Development in Roanoke, Virginia 900 471 Michael Hemphill

BUZZ Watch Party: The Arts & Economic Development in Roanoke, Virginia

Join our free Watch Party on June 21, 6 p.m., at 5 Points Music Sanctuary as we preview our newest BUZZ starring “The Arts & Economic Development in Roanoke, Virginia!”

BUZZ Watch Party - The Hokie Way


Economic development folks often talk up a community’s quality of life when pitching new businesses. Somewhere in that mushy mix they may mention the local arts and culture – the symphony, art museum, playhouse and so on. But on the stage of economic development, what role does Art really play?

In part 5 of our 6-episode partnership with the Roanoke Cultural Endowment and City of Roanoke, BUZZ shines the spotlight on this often minor character’s importance in recruiting, building and investing in economic projects.

Through the marketing team at LeadPoint Digital — and the song-writing talents of Bryan “Harvest Blaque” Hancock and J.P. Powell — BUZZ provides business leaders some much needed marketing resources to help pack the economic development house.

Funding for this episode comes from the Roanoke Cultural Endowment and the City of Roanoke through the American Rescue Plan Act. Watch Party is sponsored by the Roanoke Cultural Endowment.

New BUZZ stars — and helps rebrand — Literacy Volunteers 1024 576 Michael Hemphill

New BUZZ stars — and helps rebrand — Literacy Volunteers

Watch our 31st episode of BUZZ featuring Literacy Volunteers of the New River Valley that originally aired May 3, 2023, on Blue Ridge PBS …

For most people, the ability to read and write comes so naturally that we forget they are skills we had to learn as a child. But for immigrants who don’t know English, and native-born individuals who perhaps struggled in school, those letters on a page are literally a foreign language. From navigating our healthcare system and the DMV to simply wanting to read to a grandchild, a lack of literacy can be crippling.

Literacy Volunteers of the New River Valley provides tutoring and classes to teach adults how to read, write, do basic math, and use computers — which in turn provides people the power to lift themselves out of poverty, lower health care costs, find and keep sustainable employment, and ultimately change lives.

But the nonprofit’s brand is clunky — LVNRV — and suggests it serves volunteers rather than people who need help reading. Coming to the rescue once again on BUZZ are our rebranding magicians from Wordsprint.

We thank 100+ Women Who Care NRV for sponsoring the production of our episode!

Coming up on BUZZ: May-August 2023 schedule 900 675 Michael Hemphill

Coming up on BUZZ: May-August 2023 schedule

Tune in to Blue Ridge PBS on Wednesday 7:00 p.m. to watch BUZZ! New episodes air each month! Here’s the schedule of upcoming shows now through August.

A message from BUZZ creator Michael Hemphill 900 586 Michael Hemphill

A message from BUZZ creator Michael Hemphill

I’m always encouraging nonprofit leaders to be more fearless about proclaiming the good they do so that more donors and volunteers will be attracted to their cause.

“Your organization is doing incredible work,” I’ll say. “Tell everyone about it.”

I should be following my own advice! Because Wednesday is GIVE Roanoke Day and we could use a little $$$ buzz of our own.

Our work through the American Advertising Federation of Roanoke is funded 100% through charitable contributions and foundation grants.

We’re fortunate to have raised funding to produce upcoming episodes on YMCA of Virginia’s Blue Ridge, Art and Economic Development in Roanoke, Literacy Volunteers of the New River Valley, The Hokie Way, Alta Mons, Community Foundation of the New River Valley, and more!

For every new episode we produce each month, we try to host a Watch Party (usually at the Grandin Theatre) where the featured nonprofit can enjoy the experience of seeing their mission on the big screen with their donors, volunteers, friends and fans. 

Each Watch Party costs about $500, so on Wednesday we’re seeking to raise $4,000 to fund the rest of our 2023 Watch Parties.

If you appreciate our work, please consider a gift on GIVE Roanoke. Every donor will be credited onscreen for all 2023 Watch Parties. Thank you!

Tips for Nonprofit Giving Days now on Buzz4Good podcast 900 634 Michael Hemphill

Tips for Nonprofit Giving Days now on Buzz4Good podcast

Just dropped on Buzz4Good podcast: Tips for Nonprofit Giving Days.

We often relegate nonprofits and our charitable giving to the Christmas season when, perhaps, we ourselves feel more charitable. But the work of nonprofits isn’t confined to just the month of December. It’s year-round. 

On today’s show, BUZZ creator Michael Hemphill features two upcoming days when you can learn about — and hopefully support — hundreds of nonprofit organizations that are working daily to enhance the quality of life in our community.

To talk up GIVE Roanoke on April 19 and Give Local NRV on June 28-29, we chat with the event organizers: Alison Jorgenson of Council of Community Services, and Jess Wirgau of the Community Foundation of the New River Valley