As originally broadcast June 21, 2023, on Blue Ridge PBS …
Economic development folks often talk up a community’s quality of life when pitching new businesses. Somewhere in that mushy mix they may mention the local arts and culture – the symphony, art museum, playhouse and so on.
But on the stage of economic development, what role does Art really play?
In part 5 of our 6-episode partnership with the Roanoke Cultural Endowment and City of Roanoke, BUZZ shines the spotlight on this often minor character’s importance in recruiting, building and investing in economic projects.
Through the marketing team at LeadPoint Digital — and the song-writing talents of Bryan “Harvest Blaque” Hancock and J.P. Powell — BUZZ provides business leaders some much needed marketing resources to help pack the economic development house.
We thank Friendship for its sponsorship support of this episode!