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nonprofit marketing

BUZZ wins Judge’s Choice at Western Virginia Advertising Awards 900 675 Michael Hemphill

BUZZ wins Judge’s Choice at Western Virginia Advertising Awards

Buzz4Good won a Judge’s Choice Award and Silver Addy at the 2024 Western Virginia Advertising Awards Gala for our “It’s Here” video highlighting Roanoke, Virginia’s arts scene. The music video was produced as part of our “Arts and Economic Development” episode that aired in June 2023.

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BUZZ Watch Party stars Salem Area Ecumenical Ministries 900 506 Michael Hemphill

BUZZ Watch Party stars Salem Area Ecumenical Ministries

Join us Thursday, March 14, at 6:00 pm at the historic Grandin Theatre for a free “sneak peek” of our newest BUZZ starring Salem Area Ecumenical Ministries.

BUZZ Watch Party - Salem Area Ecumenical Ministries


Organized in 1997, Salem Area Ecumenical Ministries (SAEM) is a gathering of lay people and pastors from Salem, western Roanoke County and local service agencies working together to serve people in need: a summer “feed and read” program for children; student-led food pantries in area schools; and its signature “Mrs. Dorsey’s Clothes Closet” which provides free, gently used clothing and household items.

But the all-volunteer organization is in need of some sophisticated marketing to attract more donors and volunteers to its cause. Thankfully, Wheeler Digital is back for its third BUZZ to help. Many thanks also to the Louise R. Lester Foundation for granting us the funds to underwrite our production costs for this episode … our 46th BUZZ!

BUZZ in Birmingham stars Bundles of Hope 900 506 Michael Hemphill

BUZZ in Birmingham stars Bundles of Hope

As originally broadcast on January 5, 2024, on Alabama Public Television …

Food, shelter … diapers? For low-income moms struggling to get by, diapers are a vital, and expensive, necessity that aren’t covered by government assistance. Too many caregivers in Alabama – including grandmothers – have to make the hard choice between diapers and utilities, clothing, even medicine.

In the final part of BUZZ creator Michael Hemphill’s 4-part series in his hometown of Birmingham, Alabama, he meets Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank, which each month distributes more than 150,000 free diapers and other essential products to 3,300 low-income families in Central Alabama. Martin Advertising / Martin Retail Group steps up to provide Bundles with a lot of marketing help — and hope.

This episode is sponsored in part by the Mike & Gillian Goodrich Foundation.

BUZZ Watch Party stars Roanoke City’s “Arts Connect Neighbors” 900 506 Michael Hemphill

BUZZ Watch Party stars Roanoke City’s “Arts Connect Neighbors”

All are invited to our free Watch Party on January 24, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at Grandin Theatre premiering our newest BUZZ starring Roanoke City’s “Arts Connect Neighbors!”

BUZZ Watch Party - Arts Connect Neighbors


Two years ago we embarked on ambitious project with the city of Roanoke and Roanoke Cultural Endowment to produce six episodes of BUZZ starring arts and culture. 

Over the first five episodes we featured the nonprofits that produce the annual Roanoke Arts Pop, and highlighted the intersection between the arts, health and wellness, public schools, even economic development. 

Here in this final episode, we work with our friends at Roanoke Valley Television as we look beyond the usual arts suspects to the streets, parks, and even homes close to where we live … all as we explore that classic Mr. Rogers’ question that Roanoke artists will be asking throughout 2024: won’t you be my neighbor?

Funding for this episode comes from the Roanoke Cultural Endowment and the City of Roanoke through the American Rescue Plan Act. Watch Party is sponsored by the Roanoke Cultural Endowment.

BUZZ stars ¡HICA! Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama 900 509 Michael Hemphill

BUZZ stars ¡HICA! Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama

As originally broadcast on December 29, 2023, on Alabama Public Television …

America was founded on hope and opportunity. And for folks from Hispanic countries, that dream is as alive today as ever. But navigating a foreign land and language is hard and not for the faint of heart.

In part 3 of BUZZ creator Michael Hemphill’s 4-part series in his hometown of Birmingham, Alabama, there’s thankfully a nonprofit full of heart: the Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama, or ¡HICA! A community development and advocacy organization, HICA champions economic equality, civic engagement, and social justice for Latino families.

Coming up on BUZZ on Alabama Public Television:

Jan 5 at 8:30 pm 
Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank

Food, shelter … diapers? Too many low-income mom and grandmothers in Alabama have to make the hard choice between diapers and utilities, clothing, even medicine. Bundles of Hope Diaper Bank each month distributes more than 150,000 free diapers and other essential products to 3,300 low-income families in Central Alabama. Martin Advertising / Martin Retail Group steps up to provide Bundles with a lot of marketing help — and hope.

Many thanks to the Mike & Gillian Goodrich Foundation for helping underwrite our production.